Helping you heal from trauma.

Grief, depression, and anxiety do not need to define your life!


Is pain from your past or worries about the future making it hard for you to enjoy your life? Are you on the brink of divorce, wondering if there is any hope in turning your relationship around? Do you struggle to find passion and experience joy? Let’s talk. Trauma, grief, depression, and anxiety do not need to define your life!

As a mental health therapist that specializes in trauma recovery, attachment, and grief work, I care about the struggles you are experiencing. Through counseling, I believe it’s possible for you to experience hope and healing. Don’t wait. Start your healing journey today!

Call me at 720-383-4645 to get started.

“Hope is like the sun, which, as we journey toward it, casts the shadow of our burden behind us.”

Samuel Smiles

Jessa Crisp, MA, NCC, LPC

As the Co-founder and former CEO of BridgeHope, an anti-trafficking non-profit within the Denver-metro area, I have worked with a hundreds of individuals who’ve experienced trauma, depression, grief, and anxiety. Through resilience and post-traumatic growth, I believe that it’s possible to experience joy after heartache and challenges.

Currently, I am working on my Ph.D. in Counselor Education and Supervision. Some highlights of my career include training the Department of Homeland Security on issues related to anti-trafficking efforts, being published in the 2021 TIP Report, and speaking at the National Character Leadership Symposium for the Air Force. I am a consultant for OVC TTAC, the Blue Campaign, Polaris Project, and the Department of State Trafficking in Persons’s office.

When I am not working, I enjoy hiking Colorado's mountains with my husband and dog, doing puzzles, and connecting with people over freshly brewed coffee.


Specializing in individual counseling, I see the therapeutic process as both collaborative and life changing. It is a privilege to walk this journey with you.


For Colorado clients, counseling may be conducted via a secure platform. If this is something you would like incorporated into your care, please let me know.


I offer DBT groups (for both teens and adults), as well as a processing group for survivors of Human Trafficking. Please contact me for more information.